Some where in the USA

Some where in the USA
are we still free

Saturday, January 21, 2012

this happened on 1-19-2011 . i had cooked and eaten my flounder , washed my dishes , and was finishing my cup of coffee ; about 10 min.s had passed since i had shut off and unpluged my deep frier when i heard it boil up , so i checked it and it was being to boil over .

does any one happen to have an explanation as to what would cause a cooling deep frier to boil up this way ( it was not only turned off , itwas also unpluged for 10 min.s) . i quickly moved it to the sink before the whole 2 1/2 quarts boiled over both my hands . this is the worste damage done to my hands . the other hand was all second degree burns and only second degree burns to my right hand except for this middle finger (third degree burns).

i drove myself to emergence care about 10 min.s away from my home . i have had lots of painful injures , but burns are by far more long lasting most unplesant types of pain in my opion . this was taken today 2 days later , not a happy sight to see . but it could have been worse

any answers to my afore mentioned question would be welcome .
it's just a little freaky that it was so long a time after being shut off that it boild over with no power source .
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