Some where in the USA

Some where in the USA
are we still free

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hear this ... big brothers here and useing a new name ...

  i hear this so often . people tell me i'm just paranoid , the Gov't is just protecting us , we need to give up some of our freedoms/rights so they can better keep us safe ... ect. ... 

  well if you are willing to become the slave of a Gov't or any one else just so you feel safe then go live in any other Country in the world but don't you make my home land into a slave state ... want my freedoms and rights and i believe that no one has any right to force me to give them up ,or to take them from me . That is the USA i choose to live in .

LINK BELOW TO : " Federal Biometric ID Program " Secure Communities " Exspands to its 27 State

Please help us combat censorship: vote for this story on Reddit -- 

" ICE Announced in February 2011 would begin using biometric identification as a key component of an information-sharing nexus with 58 California counties meant to identify aliens who are booked for crimes by local police.  However, a Freedom of Information Act request by several justice organizations revealed a program involving extensive Homeland Security coordination to expand the Secure Communities biometrics program to include even law-abiding American citizens. "

   this just the next step they need to take so they can pass illegal acts and laws to take over America by useing lies , fear , and legislation , which take away the voice and vote of all American  Citizens .
   it does in effect make the Gov't into a socialist Dictator  with  zero  feedoms and rights for all citizens . 
   and if you are still  like well i want to be keep safe ... think on this , your church will become a state property and you will be told who to worship , and how to worship , and when to worship , and ... ect. ...  i think you get the big picture now  , i hope you get it now any ways . 
   and thats just the head of the beast your letting control every American Citizens to be subjugated by . and why !?!? .... 
             i say the why is simply your own   stupidity , ignorance , lazybones attitude   and   lack of  gumption to take  a hand in doing those things our forefathers fought and died for so we could live in a free Country  .              

" Full biometrics are added to fingerprint information, including: palm scans, voice imprints, iris scans, facial recognition, and other body signatures that form an identity dossier of every individual. "

that's right , just like those secret files in THE USSR and Hitlers SS , oh and don't forget those U.S. Gov't Dossier's the FBI , CIA , BCI , ect. ... that when you do a  Freedom of  Information Act  thingy to see what they have in your file ; already complied on at least 3/4 of all Americans ; only to see a handful of of lines that they have not blacked out under the guise of  NATIONAL SECURITY
but there's more if you already aren't blind with anger .

 "The biometric dossier is compiled on anyone caught within its web; it then becomes the property of law enforcement agencies even if your biometrics (and DNA) are picked up as latent imprints at a crime scene.  This makes everyday movements part of a tracking grid that can be cross-referenced beyond the court of law, "
  Bridget Kessler of the Cardozo Law School Immigration Justice Clinic, one of the organizations that applied through FOIA to review documents outlining the FBI's role in the implementation of Secure Communities:
These documents provide a fascinating glimpse into the FBI’s role in forcing S-Comm on states and localities. The FBI’s desire to pave the way for the rest of the NGI project seems to have been a driving force in the policy decision to make S-Comm mandatory. "

what happened to the people vote here !?!?  i know i did not vote for this ...  did you ?

and there's more . as if this was not already to-much

Federal tyranny in America knows no bounds, as evidenced by the much maligned TSA, which has flagrantly ignored outrage on all levels by expanding their actions to the streets of America with their VIPR teams.

The same holds true for Secure Communities, which the Department of Homeland Security has nowdeclared as mandatory for all states to comply with by 2013. There certainly seems to be a healthy financial interest at stake as well.  The world's largest defense contractor, Lockheed Martin, stands to gain by selling the technology in the multi-million dollar contract (conservatively) in the same way that politically connected contractor OSI received $173 million for the Rapiscan naked body scanner contract.

  it's my opinion that the media (all media , not just new but tv programming as-well , shows that's main / and true purpose is nothing more than to desensitize the public , and lead them into acceptance that it's going to happen so just give up or bad things are going to befall you and or you family in the end 

let this be your heads up and find out every thing you can about how we are loses a free America and what to do to get all of our freedoms and rights back . before it's to late and the police state is in control . 

Monday, February 20, 2012

believe or not i know what i saw and so does my friend

i saw one late one night in up state NY (Adirondack's)in the Pharaoh mountain park area . i was sleeping in my dad's van , it looked in the front window .
a few years later in the early 80's me and a friend of mine were rideing our ten speeds on the bike trail to lake George at night (on the trail just after Magic Forest  ) we we were going down the hill and one trough a a log across the bike trail just in front of us as we rode down the bike trail<a href=""> <img src="" style="border: 0px;" alt="Click to join my_story_of_what_i_saw"/> <p>Click to join my_story_of_what_i_saw</p> </a>

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

a global conspiracy , the singularity , watch this and see what you think ...

this is worth watching in full if for no other reason than the end material providing much explore-able stuff

the odd part for me was that i have oft times though along these lines . and it is for things not out side of todays technologies and capability's we ether have and the general public know about or will have in the near future . of course we all know ; whether we want to acknowledge it or choose to turn a blind eye to it ; that Gov'ts and the Military complex with hold at least  in the area of 10 years ; the high flying spy plane the , Black Hawk ,  for over 20 years ; advanced technological's under the gyves of national security . and don't fool your self by saying they can't still be doing this same thing in today's world .

believe what you want of what is presented in this video but think on what is in it and be aware of the possibility that exist . knowledge is power especially when it's pertinent knowledge .

could we really be some planted crop , planted by off worlder's  for reason of development to a point where we are ready(ripe) for some thing beyond our wildest imaginings . or are we their descendants watched  over and cultivated until ready for induction into a reality (their  advanced world  , reality ) in which we have grown up to a stage where we can be molded into a form(s) compatible with larger far more  advanced society , much like we see our own children as they become of age in our educational structure , and join the work force .

i would hope this to be the case and not one of the many other  possible scenario's i can think of .

time mag this month has an article " the singularity " that may bring validity to this whole topic that the web , u tube . but no mater what you choose to believe this video expose's in a very cohesive way many fact of the world we live in today . it says what the news media and other venue's do not say .

i personally often find myself at odd's with today's media , religion , and many others so i look in as many place's as i can to ferret out fact's not given in whole by any one or them . it's finding them and where they fit into the puzzle until you can being to see the true picture that those in the know don't want the other 99.9% of the world to get wind of that drives me to these length's . i hope i have peaked your interest and hunger to know , and not be lead around by the nose for their ... what ever's .

so beware ... you mite find the world is not the  world you have been led to believe it to be or want for it to be ... but for warned is for armed and they are indeed arm  and their deepest desire is  keep every one not in their circles dis-armed .

following is a link you may ; at the very least ; entertaining :    

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Does your pay check fail to pay your bills ...

this is just a little History for
we all know we must read
the lines
to get at the facts

read on if you can !!!

It’s fact:
Around 1% of the human populuation truly believe it is their exclusive birth right to have control of and even more importantly to stay in control of everything on the entire planet.
They accomplish this by the use of any means necessary to control a country’s money and hence its political system.
This is not a freak of nature or some failed presidential policy or even a glitch in some financial market as we are led to believe. This is the result of a well thought out plan created many years ago and it has been advancing ever since without a hitch.
Consider this quote made by the founder of the Rothschild Family banking dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812):

Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws”
The debate whether or not he really made that statement is irrelevant. I leave that for the conspiracy and non-conspiracy theorists. The point I want to make is regardless of whether you believe it was said or not, it should come of no suprise or coincidence knowing that is exactly what he did with the help of his five sons starting out with taking over the Central Bank of England.
Today it is estimated that the Rothschild Family controls half of the earth’s wealth. That’s a single family alone controlling more than half of the world’s economy. Their worth has been estimated to be in the trillions of dollars. That’s trillions not billions. The thought of that is just mind blowing! Isn’t it?

does this make you think !
well here's more for you'll
to think on then
and the facts are out there
if you only have the heart to look for them ...

2) The Unites States Federal Reserve System is not owned or controlled by the US Government nor by the will of the people

If it is not owned and controlled by the US Government then who really does own it seems to be the question of the day. The answer is still being talked about and debated by conspiracy theorists, non-conspiracy theorists, academicians, non-academicians, or even the janitor at work. The debate over who actually owns it can go on forever but one fact remains and let’s not lose for the forest for the trees with it:
Even though it was established by the US Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913:
It is not owned nor controlled by the US Government and certainly not by the will of the people!
So then if it is not owned or controlled by the US Government, then someone has to own and control it. Makes sense doesn’t it? Then who else is left? The only ones left that can own it is the private sector. Who else? Aliens?

and as if we all don't already feel this 
every time we get that pay check
or choose which bill is going to get payed 
this month.
i know i can't seem to keep my head above water

are you 
any better
off ?

3. The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer
Over the course of the last couple of decades, one could not help but hear an economic report stating on how the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. That statement seems to have become a modern day cliche. One cannot help hearing it repeated over and over again especially during election time. Don’t take my word for it.
Here is some interesting data to consider courtesy of G. William Domoff, Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His research findings can be found at:
The Wealth Distribution
In the United States, wealth is highly concentrated in a relatively few hands. As of 2007, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 34.6% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 50.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 85%, leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers). In terms of financial wealth (total net worth minus the value of one’s home), the top 1% of households had an even greater share: 42.7%.
So in summary what the above information means, that as of 2007, 20% of the people in the US controlled 85% of all the privately held wealth. That left only 15% for the remaining 80%.

Further more, back in 1983 the top 20% owned 91.3% of financial wealth opposed to 8.7% for the remaining 80%. That number grew in 2007 for the top 20% to 93% and decreased for the remaining 80% to 7.0%.

read more here :

thank go those who did the work of finding the here in presented , so i could paste them , save a great deal of time typeing them out personally .

here's 1 that will get alot of mileage in every direction ...

this 1 site i like because it  is controversial in nature which is sure to spark a fire with many . i am not in agreement with the premise as it is , but you have to have a point to start change and move forward from .  

that term "panarchy" invites intellectual historians
to think of the greek splitfooted entity "Pan" whom monotheists equate with the Adversary of their religion.
if you are an anarchist, try being brave and simply saying so.
i have NEVER seen that word before in any political discussion, and it is literally reminiscent of Satanism.

and of course anarchism has had philosophies attempt to co-opt it before
most obviously through the 20th century to the current day socialism and communism -- which are fake forms of anarchist polemic.

"Panarchy?"   someone could say that means to be ruled by THIS guy:
surely that was not your intention. it's what happens when you attempt to adopt ancient languages to the needs of a time centuries removed frm their original

region and context...

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:48 AM, <> wrote:
“I disagree, but you’re entitled to your opinion”

I believe everyone is entitled his opinion, and consequently, act accordingly.  Having an opinion but being forced to act otherwise is tyranny.  For instance, if I oppose a war, however forced to join the military to fight that war, then I have no opinion on that war.  Anyone claiming that “I am entitled to my opinion on the war”, however forcing me to fight that war is an hypocrite.  Conscription is slavery; it is no different than a slave having the opinion of being free, however forced into involuntary servitude.  Speaking of involuntary servitude, taxation to fund a war is also a form of slavery, because the taxpayer is denied his opinion about the war.

What I disagree with the current democracy is the minority is under the tyranny of the majority.  A democrat may use the rhetoric that others are entitled their opinion, however anyone opposing funding his pet projects (paying taxes), just be jailed, or killed if resisting the thugs in uniforms (aka the police - which are armed tax collectors).  In short, legislation is an opinion with a gun to kill anyone who disagree.  There are no better words to summarize legislation.

If people truly endorse the right to choose, they should support panarchy
Panarchy is the human right to choose your government as you choose your religion. It is about the right of every human being to live in a government to which they give their consent freely and fully. It is about the right of every human being to live in a government that fully respects them as a human person.

-- Daniel.

From: [mailto:WorldCitizen@yahoogroups.comOn Behalf Of Gary Shepherd
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: [WorldCitizen] Re: i see / i hear ... i comprehend

The old definition of democracy as “rule by the masses”, or as a “tyranny of the majority” which made it a negative word back in the 18th and 19th century has largely been superseded today. Almost any government with a responsible claim to being a democracy these days would have to include basic protection of minority rights that cannot be taken away by the majority, even in cases where it is a “minority of one”. I admit the definition of words can be tricky, particularly in the political realm, and the difference between a representative (as opposed to direct) democracy and a constitutional republic can sometimes depend on who is using the terms. As I understand it, republic is a more specific term; it denotes a government with elected public officials rather than those installed by heredity (monarchy), religious authority (theocracy), a small group at the top of the social hierarchy (oligarchy) or by military power (junta). A country can be a republic, and still be rather undemocratic; in fact some of history’s worst dictators were elected to their positions. At the same time, a country can be something other than a republic (the Netherlands is an excellent example) and yet be relatively democratic.

I believe democracy is a range, like temperature, rather than a specific state. Thus a government can be more democratic or less democratic, rather than being a democracy or not a democracy. Democracy is a very broad term, and applies to social decision-making systems, rather than just governments. When three guys decide to see a movie, and two of the want to see Harry Potter, and the other one wants to see Debbie Does Dallas, and they go to Harry Potter, that’s the democratic process at work. When one guy says Harry Potter is a stupid movie and another guy says, “I disagree, but you’re entitled to your opinion,”, that’s the democratic process at work also.  The attributes of a democracy were very aptly described by the phrase used during the French Revolution – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (though the latter, more sexist term might be replaced by ‘community’ in a modern setting).  

At least, as a democrat, that’s my opinion. I’ll leave it to an anarchist and/or a libertarian to debate the relationship between those two philosophies.

World Peace and Unity,

Gary K. Shepherd
Editor, United World Magazine

"I have believed that the only way peace can be achieved is through world government" (Jawaharal Nehru)

For more information: and

these views are not my own . and i find lack of historical understanding often present , but it is open and relevant very often . i also see the duming  down of  people(s) through over specialization air-apparent (yes i deliberately spelled it that way , so get over it already) .

get to know your kids and what they are going through it could save their life

i did not write this article i found on the following site and found it to be relevant . i know how cruel teens can be to one another . my own 2nd cousin recently committed suicide because of bullying in his high school by other teens . 

so i urge you to please read this and talk to your family members , they may surprise you . it may be the most important thing you today . i'm telling the pain of talking to them i minor compared to the pain of burying a child .
Home » News » Students News » Weight and Body Image Program Helps Teen Girls

also check out these :

Weight and Body Image Program Helps Teen Girls

By RICK NAUERT PHD Senior News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on February 14, 2012

Researchers report success in a primary care-directed weight management program designed specifically for teenage girls.
Results from the six-month program included less weight gain, improved body image, less consumption of fast food and more participation in family meals. The program included weekly peer meetings, consultations with primary care providers and separate meetings for parents.
Kaiser Permanente researchers have published their results online in the journal Pediatrics.
Experts say the study is the first to report long-term results from a weight management program designed specifically for teenage girls.
Most other programs have included younger children and interventions focused on the entire family. This program included separate meetings for parents with the rationale that teens are motivated more by peer acceptance than parental influence.
The study is also unique in that it was conducted in a primary-care setting, rather than an academic or specialty-care environment.
“Nearly one-third of teenage girls are overweight or obese, and many of them are likely to become obese adults,” said Lynn DeBar, Ph.D., M.P.H., lead author and senior investigator with the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research.
“Our study shows that intervention programs can help these girls achieve long-term success managing their weight and also learning new habits that will hopefully carry over into their adult life.”
“Many teenage girls are still growing taller, so for them, maintaining weight or slowing weight gain is an acceptable goal,” said Phil Wu, M.D., a pediatrician who leads Kaiser Permanente’s effort to prevent and treat childhood obesity and is also a co-author of the study.
“Girls in the program gained less weight than those who weren’t in the program, and they reduced their overall body mass index, improved their self-image and developed healthy lifestyle habits, so all of these are successes.”
Researchers followed 208 girls, ages 12-17. All of the girls were classified as overweight or obese, according to standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards.
Half of the girls were assigned to the intervention group and half to usual care.
Girls in the intervention group met weekly with their peers and a behavioral counselor during the first three months, and then every other week during months four and six.
The girls were weighed and asked to keep a food and activity diary, which they discussed during each meeting. The program focused on decreasing portion size, limiting consumption of energy-rich foods, establishing regular meal patterns, substituting water for sugar-sweetened beverages, reducing fast food, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, and having more family meals.
A significant exercise prescription was delivered with girls encouraged to exercise at least five days a week for 30-60 minutes. Moreover, screen time was to be limited to two hours a day.
Participants also received yoga instruction, and a physical-activity video game to use at home. Discussion topics included ways to avoid disordered eating, coping with family and peer teasing and developing strategies to combat negative self-talk.
An important part of the problem included parental education on support for their daughters. This weekly meeting was not held in the presence of the daughters.
Health care providers received summaries of the girls’ current health habits, including meal and physical activity patterns. After receiving training in motivational techniques, the providers met with the girls at the beginning of the study to help them choose one or two behaviors to work on.
The providers had a second visit with the girls at the end of the six-month intervention to check their progress.
Girls assigned to the usual-care group received a packet of materials that included a list of online reading about lifestyle changes. They also met with their primary care provider at the beginning of the study, but the providers were not given health habit summaries for these girls.
Both groups had health assessments and lab tests at the beginning of the study, at six months, and then again at 12 months. The girls started out with an average weight in the 190 lb. range, and an average body mass index in the 97th percentile, which by CDC standards is considered to be obese.
At the end of the study, girls who participated in the program were in the 95th percentile, while girls in the usual-care group were in the 96th percentile.
Researchers say the weight changes were statistically significant but modest compared to some other weight loss interventions.
They point out that the girls were severely obese to begin with and possibly treatment-resistant due to previous involvement in other weight loss programs.
A salient feature of the program was a de-emphasis on calorie counting, focusing instead on lifestyle changes. However, researchers acknowledge that this approach may have produced more modest weight changes than they had expected.
This study is part of ongoing Kaiser Permanente research into weight loss. Previous studies include:
  • A Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research study published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2011 found that people trying to lose at least 10 pounds were more likely to reach that goal if they had lower stress levels and slept more than six hours, but not more than eight hours, a night.
  • Another Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research study published in 2010 found that the more people logged on to an interactive weight management website, the more weight they kept off.
  • Researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research also reported in a 2008 study that keeping a food diary can double a person’s weight loss and that both personal contact and Web-based support can help with long-term weight management.

     take the same amount of time out of you day to hug , kiss , and tell them that you love them and care about what goes on in the lives several times a week . and share your world with them and share in their world ; you only get 1 chance there are no do over here .
     and remember to tell the are worth while and important , that not ever one will like them , that normal to feel sad/depressed at times . and that they can talk to family when time get tough . 

thank you to all who worked on this article and all who helped bring this to the public . 

movie review : The Messengers

this is going to be one of the classics of Horror/Thriller (Suspense)  movie's . it's got great directing , great camera work and camera angle's , the musical score is a great fit for the action and content of the film , the actors do a fantastic job in their roles , the script is very well written , and the directors did their jobs right as well . all in all it is on the scale of The Birds , Friday the Thirteenth , Fredi Cruger , Hell Raiders , Alien and other greats in this category .

it has the startle effect going on all through out the movie , you know something is about to happen but they still manage to startle the audience with sudden action you weren't quite ready for . the movie is on familiar ground we all can identify with and in a place many of our childhood night mares  play on us . 

i recommend this to any and all that like a good scare , suspense , or thrills and chills . not for the very young children 

follow link bellow to stream to your computer  :

Friday, February 10, 2012

GOV'T TAKE OVER ... it happens , has happen in the past , and will always happen ...

i read much on line and in books . but i still only know what i have security access/clearance to see/know about ; same as 99% of the world ; but i know there a little truth in all things , no matter how much they portray/ or conceal it . you must always read between the lines and keep a memory of the past to ferret out what is really the agenda of those who hold power , especially power over the masses .

one of their most powerful tools is the use of the word conspiracy ( in all of it's forms  ) . this is because it strikes fear in people ,  and even the smallest spark of fear tigers a survival response .
               note : survival  and self-preservation are hard wired into us all . it is not a learned 
                         thing like walking , reading , or other things in our lives .
what our response to this natural instinct is can be learned or instilled by education environment , media , and other out side sources we may or may not have control of , this includes subliminal and repeated messages such as we get through the media in news and TV programs ,which is were Gov't , religions , ect. ... , and a vast number of other source's i have not made mention of here . skillfully make use of to control the masses and cow the public into falling in line and think we are saveing ourselves when in fact we  are only doing the biding of those in power . what their agenda(s) are we have little (more frankly speaking we have no control over and don't even know ...) control of , is this nothing more than the form of slavery ???  to my way of seeing things that is just exactly what it truely is .

so take a few minutes out of your busy day to read and explore further what this following link exposes
    link :

you will find many things in this site you will not want to hear or believe but read on and research what you read about ... not all at once but over time as you are on line , at the library , reading the paper . and see what it reveal's to you . you are the only one you know that you the agenda of in all truth , so don't be a sheep led to the Slater . it's your life that may be ... you figure this last for your own self ... , i am ..

just because you thought you knew bills like this could never get passed ... well maybe we were wrong ... make you think , so what else don't we know , what other lies have we been feed  ...


USA Patriot Act -- Perhaps the greatest overhaul of personal freedoms of American citizens that could have been contrived.    

Protect America Act -- Warrantless wiretapping authority. 

Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 -- H.R. 1955.  Passed The House October 23, 2007.  Seeks to introduce American citizens to a total lack of due process including, but not limited to: surveillance, detention without charge, thought crime, and the role of the Internet. 

Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010 -- S. 3081.  A bill to provide for the interrogation and detention of enemy belligerents who commit hostile acts against the United States, to establish certain limitations on the prosecution of such belligerents for such acts, and for other purposes.  


American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 -- H.R. 2454.  This has been passed in the House, and awaits Senate approval.  This goes even beyond the Lieberman-Warner bill.  This is a cap-and-trade bill which, under the guise of clean energy and saving the planet from debatable man-made global warming, includes such draconian measures as requiring a license of energy compliance in order to sell your own home.  



The Livable Communities Act -- S. 1619.  Chris Dodd is helping to embody the spirit of the UN's Agenda 21, which would reshape entire neighborhoods in any way the federal government pleases.  Local officials will be pressured to comply with federal standards from a new permanent bureaucracy "Interagency Council on Sustainable Communities." 

Food Safety Accountability Act -- S. 3767.  More power for the FDA, enabling up to 10-year prison sentences for supplement makers.

Food Safety and Tracking Improvement Act -- S. 425.  The companion to H.R. 875 seeks to regulate organic and home gardening.  
Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 -- H.R. 875.  A bill created for Monsanto.  Introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband is connected to Monsanto.  

Food Safety Modernization Act -- S. 510.  Blanket authority for federal agencies to impose international guidelines on food producers.  Extends the power of the FDA, and seeks almost 4,000 new bureaucrats to be hired in 2010. 


Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act -- S. 3804.  This could be the key legislation that, if passed, will end free speech on the Internet.  Sponsored by Patrick Leahy, this would allow the U.S. Department of Justice the power to block sites in the U.S., or block overseas sites by court order.

International Cyberspace and Cybersecurity Coordination Act of 2010  -- S. 3193.  the federal government would have "absolute power" to shut down the Internet under the terms of the new U.S. Senate bill being pushed by Joe Lieberman, legislation which would hand President Barack Obama a figurative "kill switch" to seize control of the World Wide Web in response to a Homeland Security directive.   

The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act -- S.3480.  Yet another bill aimed to give dictatorial power to the U.S. president.  This bill gives the president complete power to shut down the Internet for up to 120 days without Congressional approval. 


CENTCOM "Rapid Response Media Team" -- Special media division in Iraq to be sure the "correct" story is being sold.

National Emergency Centers Establishment Act -- H.R. 645.  This is the bill that allows for the creation of FEMA camps (concentration camps) in America to be used for whatever purpose deemed necessary by the Secretary of Homeland Security.


Operation Northwoods -- Proof of U.S. government-organized false flag operation in 1962 designed to blame Cuba for a terror attack.

Project For a New American Century "Rebuilding America's Defenses" --  The now infamous document from 2000 citing the need for a "New Pearl Harbor-type Event" to galvanize support for a War on Terror.  For comprehensive information about the change to a preemptive war doctrine, visitInformation Clearing House.

State Department Memorandum 200 -- Released in 1974, this is the official discussion of government control over population and food distribution and pricing.  Extremely relevant in 2010.  Henry Kissinger gave a keynote speech where he discussed using food as a weapon. 
Rex 84 -- Over 1,000 pages, of which Operation Garden Plot is a subprogram.  The military's plan to impose martial law and intern dissidents in concentration camps.  

some of the material's come from the site "  Activist Post "

disclaimer - this is not complete or comprehensive and is presented as only a guide i have compiled from various place's . my view's are presented at the top and above  ,  just because you thought you knew ... 
and is not the view of the host site i blog on .

it is up you to build your own opinion's as i have mine , and do your own research and evaluation of topic's presented in my post's .

thank you for visiting my blog and i hope  you at least enjoyed reading my thoughts , opinion's ,and personal view point , whether you do or don't share them .  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

African Mango extract (irvingia gabonensis) be warned , don't get taken by the skamer's with little or non in thier product ...

HI ,  I SELDOM  take interest in fade product's because they are 99 out of 100 times just a rip off .

 But what i know is that the majority of MEDICINES on the radar/market today and in our medicine cabinets at home . Have come from nature's bounty ; by that i mean from plant's , animals , and things in nature . not man made stuff ; that where tested , isolated from the myriad of stuff's in something such as grape seed's for example . then industry finds ways to ether produce this , or ways of extracting it , so it can be made into a medicine , pill , or other product that can be used by the masses .

  African Mango Extract ( irvingia gabonensis ) . i was searching for other stuff when i can upon this fruit and because i like fruit i read up on it and in the stuff on it found this was one of the things locals have know for longer longer than they have been alive ; things like this are only more evidence why we should preserve our rain forests and those things in nature we are destroying , it could hold something that 1,000's or 100,000 's or millions of years of evolution have produced , which may help or cure disease's plaguing man kind .

follow link to learn more

note : as you may know simple aspirin is salicylic acid first found in the weeping willow tree's bark . use by native american to make a tea to treat head aches and other things .

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Media Brain Washes the Public ...

I got this piece the other day , and it puts the fact's on the table in a way that people easily can get their heads around

" Media Manipulation of the Masses : How the Media Psychologically Manipulates . "

it tell several ways they can and do manipulate public opinion and perception :
      )Guilt by Association
      )Just a Little Poison
      )Make it Funny
      )Making Sandwiches
      )Stacking the Experts
      )Stacking the Experts
      )Repetition Make True
      )Make the Devil Look Like God and God Like the Devil
follow link

with ourselves arm with info. of this caliber  in we still must be active in finding and  reading all the materials available to us to be capable of makeing individual evaluations of all the things in our every day worlds too live our lives .

this is some thing we come upon in so very many saying , quotes , parables , wise tails , ect. ...   " judge not least yea be also jugded "  , " know your self self first and you will deal well with others "  ' " walk a mile in his moccasin's "  , " a jury of your piers " , " equal rights for all " , ect. ...